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Jean-Pierre COSSA

Paris, France


Visceral and digestive surgeon, MD.


Member of EHS (2016-2024)
Organizer of the annual MESH Parietal Congress in Paris (2016-2022)
Treasurer of the “Club-Hernie” (2016-2024)
Member of the “Club-Coelio” (2004-2024)
Member of the National Academy of Surgery (2015-2024)
Expert involved in the French surgeon’s national certification / FCVD (2009-2024)
Member of Paris-Hernia Institute with several lectures in congress and peer-reviewed papers referenced in Pubmed (2016-2024)
Author of 3 chapters in French Association of Surgery (AFC) handbooks (2017; 2019 ; 2021)
Author of 2 chapters in French Medico-Surgical Encyclopedy (2020; 2022)
Reviewer for two surgical journals (JAWS, Journal de Chirurgie).