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Strasbourg, France


Visceral Surgery with complex abdominal hernia speciality, MD, PhD


French-trained surgeon working at Strasbourg University Hospital.
Consultant for Complex Abdominal Wall Repair Surgery (CAWR) and Colorectal Surgery.
Other areas of expertise are enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), perioperative nutrition and prehabilitation...
Member of the EHS since 2017.
Responsible for the Educational program in the French Society of Parietal Surgery (SFCP-CH).
Interested in the Evidence Based of Medicine to propose reliable recommendations for current practice.
Involved in the EHS Advisory Committee for Science.
Participated in the completion of the French recommendations for incisional hernia repair in the report presented to the French Surgical Association (Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC) in 2019.
Participated in 105 international publications (H-index 18).